Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sehari bersama tuKang tuLis jum!



tuKang tuLis penat sgt2 hari ni...
oke, start dari pagi..
macam biasa,pagi2 lagi dah kena harung traffic jem nk dekat satu jam tuk smpai ke opis...
tambah plak dengan hujan d pagi2 subuh tu...siap aunty bos bg pesanan suh kuar awal sebab jem gler ms dia lalu jalan yg sama tadi...huuhu....memang x dapat dinafikan kata2 beliau...tula, kata2 org tua jgn dilawan...nasib baek la tuKang tuLis ikut nasihat aunty bos tu...sampai agak tepat la lg suploh menet masuk opis....fuhhhh

after than, ari ni x masuk keje cam bese, buat 1st time safety committe yg baru dilantik akan mnjalani latihan BOFA & CPR (Basic occupational 1st aid & CPR) dr external trainer.
memang serius best dan sangat benefit untuk sesiapa saja tak kira sape pun kita...
insyaAllah kalau dah transfer video CPR tu, tuKang tuLis akan aplod kat sini...buleh kita sume belajar cara nak handle situasi kecemasan kalau terjadi tetiba...kalau...harap2 x nak la kan...^^
i'allah sok adalah hari untuk assessment sedunia bagi kamilah...ada 3 assessment yg kena harung...2 practical wat CPR n 1st aid n satu writing assessment...
lepas dah harung smpai tebing, baru lah dapat jadi Certified 1st Aider..(uhh,de ke pekataan nih?)
so, basically im proud dgn kejayaan safety committee kali neh...at least dapat buktikan pd staff lain, ttg pentingnya safety dalam amalan kerja dorg seharian...i'allah, i'll make this as my 1st step to improve their awareness dlm safety n health in workplace....chaiyooo
so esok adalah hari kami semua akan dimekap kan dengan darah dan luka2 oleh trainer2...
jadi semua orang diminta bawa sepersalinan baju plg buruk dlm almari tuk practical session esok...
jadi tuKang tuLis adalah sgt333 excited...^^ ooyeah!

tapi bila part sedeh pulak...
aiseh, tiba2 hp tuKang tuLis telah dicurik!
sedeh sangat...
paham tak rasa bila, duit dalam purse cume tggal kurang 5o hengget, minyak kete da tggal satu bar, tapi gaji lagi 5 ari nak masuk...
cuba bayangkan...
rasa sgguh insecure okeh...
pastuh, tepon pulak kne curik?
tau knapa tuKang tuLis positip sangat hp itu dicurik dan bukan hilang?
yela, dah kalau kita tepon, terus masuk voice mail...
maksdnye ape kekawan?
mksdnye si pencurik da matikan hp itu dan simpan baik2 dlm kocek beliau lah kan?
abis satu bangunan tuKang tuLis tawaf mencarik hp itu...
well, hp tu xlah mahal...tapi yg mahalnya adalah segala no kekawan, sedara mara tujuh keturunan ada dalam tu...belum lagi campur no tepon bakal penyewa bilik kosong kat umah ni...gosh!
maksud nya kena wat iklan lagi la nih? aiyakkk!
n ilang suda kenangan sim kad yg tersave msg2 dr mereka2 yg pernah wujud satu ketika dulu...
tapi, xpa lah...orang kata dah xda rezeki...
usaha dah usaha...selain mencarik...sampai pergi lah jumpa opah dekat rumah ni...hasil rekemen akak opis) sbb opah sorg ni memang pandai melihat secara batin barang2 hilang...
dan opah tu pun kata memang susah nak dapat balik dah barang tu...sebab pencurik tu bukan orang kita...so, kalau nak ikhtiarkan pun, memang x lut..huhu
tapi jgn la pulak korg pikir bukan2...opah ni sah tau...dah Allah bg kelebihan beliau dapat mentafsir dunia batiniah ni....
so, secara x langsung tuKang tuLis dah dapat satu pengalaman baru..
dapat kenal ngn opah yang begitu pandai...
n extra bonus sebab dpt.........errrr
well, memang tebal gak lah muka tuKang tuLis tadik dah terkena ngn pakatan akak opis + opah tadik...
xpe lah, biarlah tuKang tuLis simpan sorg2, n sengih sorg2...x salahkan kalau berangan...?
bukan kena bayar pun kan?

so, lpas da patah hati membawak hati yang luka x berapa parah ni,
teruslah pergi dengar briefing insurans kul 8.30pm kat seksyen 14 tadi...
yelah, tuKang tuLis adalah xde insuran...
so kena beli lah satu...kalau tuKang tuLis 'pergi' kang, adalah jugak manfaat kat mak ngn abah nati kan?
kalau beminat, bleh la pulak tuKang tuLis blaja jadik ejen..
kalau da pandai jual insuran, blehla jadik ejen yg berjaya...
pastu kalau da jd ejen yg berjaya bleh la benti keje...
kalau da benti keje, x yah la tuKang tuLis harung jem tetiap pagi g keje...
waaahhh, berangan aje skang nih...
but again, berangan x yah bayar kan?
so plis ignore je me okeh!
sebab x mungkin (insyaAllah) tuKang tuLis benti keje ni...
i love safety n health...iaitu EVH lah...
n memang tuKang tuLis akan amik cert OSH mac neh...
insyaAllah, if semua berjalan lancar...
within dis yer, tuKang tuLis jd certified SHO...
again, tis is planning only...but God is Almighty..
He's d real planner....kann?
hope dat everything going smoothly...

citer belum abis lagi...
otw balik tadi, ada lah pulak road block dtengah pekat malam...
ingatkan abang2 n pacik2 JPJ ni buat spot check biasalah...tgok road tax, lesen semua...
tetiba, sampai turn tuKang tuLis,
pacik JPJ suh ketepi...
ape nih?
x pernah2 kena tahan...
siap lah masak kena soal...kete sape lah, mitak lesen lah, ic lah...
pastu dia suh turun dari kete...
suh tengok lampu depan n brek ketiga...
lampu depan da tebakar la sebelah...
lampu brek ketiga pon...
di saat ini barulah tuKang tuLis mengakui statement seorg lelaki yg kata "pempuan kalo bawak kete taw naek je"
muahahaha...dah kena kat batang idung sendirik...
baru nak mngaku kan?
x pelah,
skang ni pon tuKang tuLis tengah tggu abang kesayangan datang membawak mentol lampu kete....
x bleh tdo ooh...
nanti x bangun kalau dia ketuk pintu...
bleh hangin satu badan beliau nanti...hehe
so, smntra tggu...dah siap satu entry tuk page tuKang tuLis yang dah lama x apdet neh...hihi
(owh, entry bleh post, tapi exam tuk esok x stadi pun!)
oke lah...got to go...along da smpai...

doakan tuKang tuLis n rakan2 esok eh...


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

balik kg oo...^^


lusa da nak raye...esok pon da cuti...yeah2
tuk 1st time tT bsama2 ngn cik yam(cousin yg mlut bcok itu) pulang sndri ke kg km kat Bruas, Perak..hehe
xcited tlebey suda...
neves pon ade...kang dibuat sesat...
(da 23 taun balik kg pun, msih x hengat jln ke tuKang tuLis?) muahaha

kat cni tuKang tuLis nak mngucapkan:
maap zahir batin..^^

tuk sesape yg drive, bwak la kete elok2...jgn duk merempit jek...
da dpt daging korban tu nati, ingat2 la diri bila bersantap...
dan smoga kt smua dpt menghayati erti hari raya korban yg sbnarnya....

len kali jgn makan semut...^^

maap la entri sblm ni terpaksa didelete atas sbb agk sensitip & mlas nk jdikan kngn pun kat page neh...
jiwang sgt...x kne pulak dgn jiwa...hahaha (mse tulih x hengat...pastu br la nk delete kan..)

so, ari tuh pgi Dept Stndard M'sia (DSM) kat Cyberjaya...
pheww...mmg laaa...tuKang tuLis sesat sengsorg dlm Cyberjaya tuh...
ms tgh sesat tuh mmg mnyumpah2 dlm ati sbb x g print map dr google map...
bajet mcm bleh engat la kan...tulah telan semut lagi bebanyak...huhuk

tapi kire oke la...sesat dlm cyberjaya tuh...bleh wat u-turn bepuluh kali pun xpe...
x jem kut...siap leh drift lagik...haha..drift ker?
so pas sesat barat, baru la jumpe bangunan Century Square yg dmaksudkan tu...
rupe2nye x la jauh benau dr entrance cyberjaya pun...
masuk2, trus jumpa simpang...trus je masuk kiri...ciss...
xpe la...thinx positip...at least bleh gak cuci mata tgok cyberjaya yg x penah tuKang tuLis jejak pon slame neh...huhu
tapi pelik laa...nape mcm sunyi sepi jek...name cyberjaya...punye la canggih...
tapi jadinye mcm pojek gajah puteh...ade la bbrape kerat je bangunan kat situ...
tuKang tuLis pelik smpai ter'tanya kat pak guard kat situ...

tT: pacik, mmg slalunye sunyi sepi ke kat cni?
pak guard: ye laa...ni oke lagik. kalo wekend mmg la xde org...
tT: ooo...ish2..rugi2...
pastu satu lagi yg tuKang tuLis x puas ati, design bangunan kat situ..
punyela memusing dibuatnye smata2 nama blok hanya dipaparkan kat main entrance blok je...
ctohnye kalo tuKang tuLis nk g blok C, kne menapak ke ground floor setiap blok tuk g keluar pintu main entrance nye smata2 nak tgok nm blok...logik x? aduii...
last2 tu yg terpaksa tanya pak guard kat ats tuh...x masuk lagi part nak carik parking, nak bayar parking...kirenye design bangunan lgsung x user friendly lah.dr segi signage..myb dorg x expect outsider tuk dtg slalu...tapi kan ke de gov. dept kat dlm tu...peliss la....

nseb bek tT betolak kul 2 lbh petang jumaat tu dr opis.
so mcm sesat sejam kat atas jln n dlm bngunan, smpai2 pun opis x tutup lg...so, da bejaya jumpa DSM tu...alhamdulillah bejaya la jugak submit aplication forms ngn segala mnde alah yg diperlukan n dptla discuss cket2 ngn org DSM tuh...kirenye plg lewat pun early nex yer dpt accreditation...kalo sume bjalan lancar lah...insyaallah...

so d ptg jumaat, tanpa menoleh ke blkng lagik, tT terus shoot balik kg la....
my recent hobby for weekend lately...jum rempit jum...muahaha..

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

refResh jum...^^

da tuka background....
legaaa...so, lets start all new...
smoga kt suma lbey semangat d hari2 strusnya...Basha! ^^

Monday, November 9, 2009

I'm back...apdet caca marba...^^

Salam semua...

i'm back!!!
sangat kerinduan sm kamu org...
lme gler x menulis..nak setat td pun asik teragak2 je...taip,padam..taip balik, padam balik...last2, taip je la...smpai ble nk duk menyepikan page neh....huhu
x mo la kang trus kne kick out dr blogger list korg n korg....huhuhu
da ilang skill da..eyh de skill ker slma neh? haha
tulaa akibatnya lme sgt becuti menulis...
last post entry dulu pun bulan ogos lpas...mse puasa kut...huhu

lupakan citer lama...meh bukak entry baru meh....

tuk 1st entry stelah bedekad2 x mengepost entry ni,
mehla apdet dulu psal tuan tanah yer..hehe

1) pd 29/10 lpas, tuKang tuLis baru jek tambah setaun lagi jumlah umo tuk ditulis dlm resume nati. adeihh, lg 2 taun da genap la suku abad...byk lagi x tcapai neh...ilmu pun x penoh d dada lagi nk wat bekal...calon ehem2 pun ape lagi...haha..teet...de sape2 nk calonkan diri? muahaha...
owh tidak2...tuKang tuLis x desperate d cni yer...cuma agak kompius...(mereng sbnanye...^^)

tuan tanah yg kunun2 tekejut la kan dgn suprise sakuramiya ngn fahanani 2 org tok dalang ngn tukang karut dsebalik kejadian....^^

2) pekembangan kedua, tuKang tuLis da makin selesa ngn keje skang... da genap 5 bulan da kut...alhamdulillah, tempoh pecubaan dtamatkan awal sbulan...skang tuKang tuLis da confirm...cm surat je bulum dapat sm HR. i'allah sok lusa smpai la tu...
nape tuKang tuLis x saba2 sgt nk konfem ek?
sbbnye dgn konfem la tuKang tuLis da layak tuk d antar g training internal atau xternal...hihi
so, i'allah semua training da drequest...
hope lulus....amin333...
sbb pe tuKang tuLis x saba nk g training?
haa...sbbnye da x larat g turun site tapi x competent tuk buat keje...
rse mcm hopeless je rsenye...
i'allah perancangn tedekat ni rasenye tuKang tuLis stay kut wif dis cmpany...
keje pun cambesh je...byk ooh g jalan...tp jalan2 wat keje la...hihi...
nak mlencong cket2 tu buleh kut...tapi mostly tuKang tuLis slalu travel kat belah utara..
yg beshnye bleh slalu fly...muahaha...dahla subang airpot blkng umah je...tp firefly laa...kecik cket...tapi jimat byk ooh...nak banding ngan nk g lcct or klia tu...kul 6 pg...nak g penang..da rse mcm Awan Dania plak...^^p

tapi sbenanye teringin sgt nak drive jejauh tuk travel...mileage claim pun dpt lebeh...masyukk tu..haha
tapi sbb sorg2...rse mcm x sedap la plak...dahla ilmu nak repair kete ni pun xde scebis pun dlm otak...cuba la kalo tyar pancit ke tgh jalan..mau nye haru nk tuka sengsorg...ampun dehh...haha
tggula cket ms lagi...nk tuntut ilmu dr abg ku sorg itu...details ttg kete serba cket...baru la de konfiden itu...nak rempit smpai sempadan siam pun xde mslh kut...i'allah...heheni la firefly..kecik tp oke la bab service...
sejam dlm kapal dpt f.o.c. sbijik muffin ngn jus...kalo air asia rsenye x dpt kan?
kn beli rsenye...
tapi, x jumpe Dania pun...huhu ^^v

3) Final apdet, si POL sorg neh...cik annnaruq da menetap wat smntra waktu kat kg halaman tuKang tuLis...de training kat sana...tapi asik x smpat je nk bjumpa beliau...da jadual kelas x sme ngn org laen...wekend ade kelas, tp wikdays free pulak...huhu..
n sakuramiya plak de duk serumah n sekerja ngn tuKang tuLis...
cik alamFanachenta plak da jadik pkerja UKM yg bededikasi skang...muahaha...
x sangka tul, kesetiaan beliau mmg x dpt dsangkal lg pd UKM...muahaha
n latest ekin...ritu dpt jumpe mse g knvoi umah kak lia...dapat la g melawat umah ekin..
makin kuruss pulak duk umah ni...makan byk cket kin ek...
tapi mmg puas ati gler dpt mnjejakkan kaki umah ekin...huhu
so, even da bis stadi, kira besyukur gak km stil de pluang tuk jumpe...

so far, kak lia da setat kodon tuk upacara pekahwinan dak2 fskb neh...
semoga pekahwinan kak lia bhgia smpai bila2...
n cepat2 dpt Dr ek...^^v
gamba ni je sume ahli rombongan ade kut...curik dr cam encik bj biru tu...
agak x nmpak wajah mempelai...
tapi rse rmai yg knal kak lia kutt...
so, lpas ni sesape rse nk km serbu kenduri beliau, blehla hubungi ketua rombongan: rojoe atau atot...haha
kompem buhsan korg asik citer psal dr sndri...hehe...
x pela da abes da pun...x larat da nak tulih...len kali la plak...citer pasal mnde lg befaedah ek...
nati apdet lagi yuk!


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Better Health with Fasting (^^)/

By Zafar Nomani
professor emeritus of human nutrition and foods
West Virginia University

~nice article, please read it...and u will found the treasure of fasting~

With the sighting of the crescent moon, the holy month of Ramadan has begun this year, marking the start of a spiritual boot camp in which Muslims fast without any food or water from sunup to sundown.
To many, the rigor may seem too tasking, but, as a veteran scientist of clinical nutrition and as a 76-year-old Muslim man who has fasted since I was a boy, growing up in India, I can say that fasting can be a healthy practice not just for God but for you.

Fasting can be healthy for people of all faiths from Christians to Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and others who fast as a part of their spiritual practice. But it's got to be done right.

Twenty-five years ago in the early 1980s, I started studying the biochemical and physiological impact of "restricted energy intake," as we call fasting in the business, on the human body, using Ramadan fasting as a model for clinical trials that I ran in the United States and Pakistan. In my hometown of Morgantown, W.V., young Muslim students volunteered to be my guinea pigs, logging their daily meals. In the Middle East and in Lahore, Pakistan, volunteers let me study the effect of fasting on their bodies, analyzing the nutritional component of their diets using food composition tables and computer software.

What I and other researchers have discovered is that fasting has clear spiritual, physical, psychological and social benefits.
There is no doubt, on one level, we are fasting for God. Just like fasting during Lent for Christians and during Yom Kippur for Jews, fasting during Ramadan has a divinely ordained inspiration. The Qur'an (2: 183) tells Muslims, "O you who believe, fasting is prescribed on you as it was prescribed to those before you (that is Jews and Christian and other faiths) so that you may become self-restrained."

It's considered "fard," or required, for healthy Muslim adults to fast. It's called "sawm" in Arabic, which means "refrain," and Muslims are expected to refrain from not only food and water but also from sex, smoking, foul talk and harm to others. We are supposed to control our anger, behave kindly, participate in community service, give to charity and generally help others.
The restrictions--both caloric and behaviorally--can be good for us holistically because they serve as a means for disciplining ourselves all-year-around in a world in which we are too often self-absorbed and overindulgent. Fasting serves as a spiritual check, reminding us about issues of poverty and clean water supplies in the world and encouraging us to avoid overeating and wasting food. After all, way too much food ends up in garbage cans.

Restraint from food, water and undesirable behavior makes a person more mentally disciplined and less prone to unhealthy behavior. Researchers in Jordan found a significant reduction of parasuicidal cases during the month of Ramadan. In the United Kingdom, the Ramadan model has been used by various health agencies to reduce cigarette smoking, especially among Africans and Asians.

However, there are choices we can make to be healthier about fasting.
First of all, too many people, ironically, eat too much when they're not fasting. Scientific studies reveal that some people overeat during Ramadan, a phenomenon that contradicts the essential spirit of Ramadan. Studies indicate that health problems can emerge as a result of eating too much or eating a diet that isn't balanced. The body has regulatory mechanisms that activate during fasting, and we don't need to overeat to get our body the nutrients it needs. Scientific studies have shown that there our bodies efficiently utilize the body fat typically available in most of our bodies.

During Ramadan, research has shown that the basal metabolism of fasting subjects slows down. A person can stay healthy and active during Ramadan consuming a diet that is less than the normal amount of calories or food intake but balanced in nutrients.

There is no universal healthy diet for fasting because of global differences in the fasting period, the weather, daily temperature, food availability, lifestyle, cultural habits and other details. But to get the best health and spiritual benefits when fasting, it's critical to have a diet balanced in protein, essential minerals, vitamins and physiological and protective factors such as dietary fiber and antioxidant compounds.

To start with, it's important in any faith not to miss the meal you eat before the fast begins. In Islam, it's said the Prophet Muhammad used to have a light "sahur," the pre-dawn meal Muslims eat before the fast. For me, a bowl of Raisin Bran has always served the purpose. A cereal high in wheat bran or oatmeal is a great source of dietary fibers including cellulose, hemicelluloses and other non-digestable complex carbohydrates and lignin, which provides bulk and facilitates motality in the digestive tract. As a result, many harmful and toxic compounds are expunged from the body.

Alas, milk, a protein, is a kind of dehydrant. It's critical to have extra glasses of water to avoid dehydration. Extra water is also needed to flush out urea, protein's catabolic product, from the body. That's true of all protein rich foods.

When breaking the fast in any faith, it's important to consume an easily available energy source in the form of simple sugars such as glucose and fructose that nourishes every living cell, particularly the brain and nerve cells. Dates and juices are good sources of these sugars. Indeed, breaking of fast with several dates is considered "sunnah" in Islam, or a practice of the Prophet Muhammad. Another good choice: a cup of juice without sugar added to bring low blood glucose levels to normal levels. It's also good advice to have a bowl of vegetable soup. Both juice and soup help maintain water and mineral balance in the body. They also help quenching the thirst quickly.

Too often, at least in Muslim homes, folks break the fast with sherbets and sweets. That's the worst way to break a fast, according to many scientific studies, because they represent a high intake of sugar in form of sucrose.

For the later dinner meal, it's essential to consume variety of foods with balance and moderation. Just because we haven't eaten all day, we shouldn't forget the "food pyramid" that represents the A, B, C's of a healthy diet. That means including a vegetable salad with dinner.
Cultural preferences aside, it's best to avoid spicy foods because it promotes acidity in the stomach and digestive tract problems.

It's wise to eat fruit at the end of meals, such as apples, oranges, peaches, pears or whatever fruit might be in season. Fruits provide dietary fiber that facilitates the prevention of constipation, stomach acidity and other digestive health issues. What's more, fruits and vegetables are good sources of certain nutrients such as vitamin C and vitamin A. They also provide antioxidants, flavonoids and protective phytochemicals. Fresh fruits and vegetable are good sources of water, too. They contain between 92 per cent to 97 per cent water. Between breaking fast and starting a new day's fast, it's critical that we consume plenty of water.
To follow the spirit of Ramadan and other fasting traditions, discipline, control and behavioral change are critical. One of the things that should go: smoking. Smoking isn't allowed during the Muslim fast, and that's a good thing. Smoking negatively affects the utilization of various vitamins, metabolites and enzyme systems in the body and promotes the production of free radicals (atoms, molecules and ions with unpaired electrons), a major factor in cancer. Smoking is also a risk factor for many other health problems.

Further, it's best to avoid caffeine drinks such as Coke, coffee or tea. Caffeine is a diuretic. But it's best to be gradual with the reduction. A sudden decrease in caffeine and nicotine, coupled with hunger and dehydration, can prompt headaches, mood swings, irritability and, even sometimes, road rage. The American Psychosomatic Society indicated that caffeine and nicotine use increases the occurrence of irritability during fasting, but the end of Ramadan the irritability drops.
It's important to remember to brush your teeth--a habit that can fall by the wayside with the new eating and sleeping schedule.

Typically, people who are normal weight or overweight people shouldn't gain weight. For overweight people, Ramadan is an excellent opportunity to lose weight. Underweight or marginally normal weight people shouldn't use this time to lose weight, but a couple of pounds of body weight loss isn't harmful. That may be due to dehydration or the somewhat reduced calorie intake.. This small body weight loss is easily regained after Ramadan.
If we eat properly a balanced diet when we fast, we will maintain our body weight, maintain our energy level and perform our daily work normally. Just like during the rest of the year, it's critical to eat a good balanced diet while fasting.

Fasting isn't the time to ditch exercise. It's important that everyone engage in some kind of light exercise, such as stretching or walking. "Taraweeha," a special Ramadan prayer that lasts for up to an hour, can have the benefit of "ibada," or prayer, as well as light exercise. It's important to follow good time management practices for prayer and other religious activities, as well as sleep, studies, job and exercise, to maintain a balanced life even when fasting.
Finally, it's important to remember that fasting doesn't mean being a martyr to good health. In Islam, Muslims don't have to fast if they're pregnant, traveling, breast feeding, elderly or ill. In those cases, they can feed the poor instead, perhaps making up the fasts later. People with diabetes, peptic ulcers, kidney stones, hypertension and other health problems must consult their physician on the question of whether to fast; and then if they do fast, what is the best diet for them.

Increasingly, scientists are starting to recognize the benefits of reduced energy intake on weight. A study released earlier this year at the European Congress on Obesity concluded that increased energy intake was the most significant cause of the rise in obesity in the United States since the 1970s. The issue of restricted energy intake continues to have wide consequences in the United States, where the Centers for Disease Control is reporting an alarming increase in obesity rates. Appropriately, the office of the U.S. Surgeon General is developing public education campaigns about the health risks of being overweight.

In a way, Ramadan is like an annual continuing education workshop on how becoming a better citizen of the world. It's said that the Prophet Muhammad told his followers,
"He who does not desist from obscene language and acting obscenely (during the period of fasting), Allah has no need that he didn't eat or drink."

Another time, it's said the Prophet declared, "Fasting is not only from food and drink, fasting is to refrain from obscene (acts). If someone verbally abuses you or acts ignorantly toward you, say (to them), 'I am fasting; I am fasting.'"

Zafar Nomani is a professor emeritus of human nutrition and foods at West Virginia University. He received the King Hassan II Award at the first International Conference on Scientific and Medical Research on Ramadan, held in Casablanca, Morocco. For a follow-up feature, "Ask Zaf," you can send your fasting questions to him at nomani_z@yahoo.com
~Happy Fasting Everyone~

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

noTa tuLis ari isNin


tamat sudah hari Isnin...
banyak sgt benda yg terjadi ari nih...fufu..
so entry ni akan jadik sgt panjang...
kalo da berpinar bijik mata,
sila la wat exercise 20 saat dulu...
pagi2 lagi tadi da terstuck dlm jem hamper 30 menet...
ade accident...ngeri betul...mangsa adalah sorg wanita duk terbaring kat atas jalan ngn kepala berdarah...pastuh bile ditenung lelaki tgh duk bercangkung sblah mangsa tuh adalh pak cik kedai makan dekat blok tempat tuKang tuLis tinggal neh...sumber dari akk opis yg nek kete skali neh kate wife die kut yg terbaring tuh..aisehhh...terkedu kejap tuKang tuLis...
pastuh da lme cket baru sedar, nape la x tolong bawakan g spital ye x? huhu...mebe sbb da tercungap2 nk smpai opis kut...aisehhh...nape la tuKang tuLis selfish sgt...huhuk...
bleh x tepikir pulak tadi...pastu smpai opis dah pun kul 9...hoho...stgh jam lewat...ni bleh msuk anugerah pekerja contoh neh...haha..nseb bek aunty boss itu amik cuti tadi...x yah la nk xplain lebor2 kat beliau...
sesampai jek opis
terus on pc sume setelkan keje2 yg kene setel ari ni jugak...
hasil workshop dari selasa smpai jumaat lepas kne repot, pastuh kne bg repot performance tuk bulan june kat setiap ketua region..
sume pon nk kne siap ari nih...aisehhh
tengah duk tercungap2 wat keje ngn kepantasan kilat
tetibe de sorg opismate datang mengadu pasal 2 orang lagik opismate neh...
kire dlm opis neh, kami 4 org kire kamcing jugak la...
sbb kami je yg muda trang tang2 dan baru masuk opis neh
tapi yg lbey kamcing dorg 3 org la...
tuKang tuLis kan berpegang pd prinsip nan satu itu...
xde la smpai hal2 privacy pon nk citer...

sorang dari kami ni baru jek resign minggu lepas,
tadi barulah kuar citer sbnar dari mulut si A ni..
yang sebenarnye si B dan si C ni adalah couple...
dan kedua2 mereka ni adalah sejantina ngn tuKang tuLis
mau ternganga mulut tuKang tuLis time dpt tau tuh...
patotla dorg 2 org neh len mcm je slama neh...
lagak bagai org bercinta...
patotla slama nih kalo sorg mjuk,
sorg lagik pujuk x jemu2...
kami yg mmndang pun naek lemas...
engatkan dorg neh kamcing giler sbb da kawan dr uniten dulu...
so tuKang tuLis yg maseh suci bersih lagi otaknyer neh xde la nk pikir smpai ke situ...
yg terjadi si B ni resign sbb da x tahan tengok si aweks nyer ditackle oleh sorg llaki sejati kat opis ktorg neh...
dengar citer smpai becakaran la jugak...
patotla slama nih asik si B nih muncung je memanjang bila tgok si C duk maen mata ngn si jejaka...
mati2 engatkan die pon taruh hati kat sang jejaka perasan itu...
Rupe2 nyer...???
donia da tonggang langgang suda...
tahla ape nk kata,
mebe dis d first time tuKang tuLis direvealkan dgn citer kawan depan mata sndrik...
agak terkesima la jugak bila dapat tau...
mebe korg da biasa kut dgn citer neh...
tapi bg tuKang tuLis,
peliss la..
kpd sesape cik2 pengkid atau les2 sekalian...
bawak2 la betobat...
kite ni hidup bukan hanya tuk dunia...
akhirat kat sana pon kne bawak bekal jugak...
tamau la kalo bekal yg kita bawak tu berat kat bahu kiri jek...
tuKang tuLis tulis ni pun tuk diri sendiri jugak,
sbb taw diri sndri pun de byk lagi cacat celanya...
cuma rse terpanggil nk suarakan rse x puas hati...
itu saje..

:noTa tuLis:
eja@ cik sakuramiya suda move in ke rumah sewa tuKang tuLis ptg tadik...
alhamdulillah...lega sudah...
suk beliau suda mula keje...
all d besh tuk kamu ya chek sakuramiya!!!

suke sgt kalo bleh nk sume geng PoL duk satu umah...
huhu..i wish we can
tuk fana, ekin n ana?
bile nk mai umah kami?

pastu sok 14& 15 tuKang tuLis g travel ke Parit Buntar, Perak
pastu 16 ngn 17 ke Balik Pulau pulak...
ade blaja audit ngan senior auditor kat spital sana...
dengar citer Balik Pulau de koleksi durian2 tersedap kat Mesia neh...
de sesape nk kirim?
kirim bau je la ek...